Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Quote Of The Week

"Freddie Mercury called. He wants his moustache back."
- Mrs. Clark, to husband Blair while on set in Mexico via video-conference.

The bummer for Blair is that he's rocking a Colonel! Mercury's got a Taft! Apparently his chin bit doesn't show up on video-conferencing.

Check-In: Soon!

For those of you obsessively clicking the Refresh button hoping to see Week #3 Check-In Photos, take a break. They're coming, but they're not coming that quickly. Not as quickly as your last boyfriend.

I'll post them after I'm finished taking them. Can't ask for more than that.

Accept No Substitutes

Word on the streets is that a nearby film studio is also conducting a facial hair growing...something or another. It's not a contest and it's only moustaches, so in my mind, it's probably not terribly Mantastic, either. It's called Moustache 2008.


Mind you, this is the same studio that brought you the classic motion picture Finding A Bug's Incredible Toy Cars, Inc., so you know that there's a massive shortage of creativity over there.


Mantastic 2008: It's The Real Deal

Well, I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle

I have seen it myself. This is not a hoax. This is not third party. This is not "I know a guy who knows a guy who has seen it." This is fact!

Matt Jacobs: style carved and ready for Check-In!

Tom Schelesny: style carved and ready for Check-In!

Holy cats.

Now if we could only find Lee Hahn and Sanjay Das, we'd be in great shape.

See you at Check-In!

Mantastic Gear!


We're currently working on designs for Mantastic 2008 branded T-shirts, but in the meantime, amuse yourself with these fabulous items!

Abe Lincoln: Zombie Hunter

Chester A. Arthur

William H. Taft

Martin Van Buren

Buy yours today!