Thursday, February 7, 2008


I was just talking with Freestyler Nick Overstreet. He may have the most unreal concept planned for his face. Jesus Crackers, it's going to be sick fun.

Which brings me to this point for Nick's fellow Freestylers...

Next Wednesday is the big day. For our final Check-In, you must have your style carved in. Be it a take on Mondrian or a portrait of your dog, you've got one chance to make it shine. Go big. Your Check-In photos to this point have been highly amusing and give us an idea of the canvas you're working with, but are essentially worthless. Your last day will win it or lose it for you.

I wish you all the best of luck. I certainly can't wait.

There Will Be Blood

Here he is. See? I told you Stacz was still in it and he's rocking a Daniel Day-Lewis kind of look, eh?


There may be some confusion.

Stacz Sadowski got the Freshface this week for his Check-In photo, yet he is still rocking the Taft. What gives? Well, it's just that I don't have a photo for him and I've got to put something in there.

So, yes. Stacz is still in the running. Make no mistake.

Thank you for your time.

Check-In #4

Whoa. We've come a very, very long way, although some would say that the toughest week is yet to come. For me, it's all gravy from here on out. How you feel about the last week is up to you and your significant others.

William H. Taft:

Joe Bailey

Paul Hill

Jim McVay

Stacz Sadowski

Steve Reding

Jance Rubinchik

Jess Vickery

Scott Liedtka

Ryan Hood

The Colonel:

Alex Stockwell

Eric Baker

Will Groebe

Blair Clark

Robert Alves

David Schnee

Sanjay Das

Brian Mendenhall

Lee Hahn

Kirk Larkins

Austin Eddy

Chester A. Arthur:

Jim Brown

Jacob Telleen

Jesse Jensen

Kip Larsen

Todd Elliott

Brian Smith

Geoff Wheeler

Robert Dorris

Mike Brunet

Baron von Halstead

Van Fucking Buren:

Jonny Tal, Jonny Tal

Rally Chimp

David Gibson

Hans Brekke

Patrick Danaher

Ken Voss

Freestyle Presidential Manscaping:

Daniel Basse

Nate Fredenburg

Neal Hoover

Morgan Loomis

Adam Gerardin

Nick Overstreet

Page Frakes

Howard Campbell


Kevin Cureton

Kane Brassington

Jordan Schilling

Devin Breese

Dave Kujawski

Cheadle For President:

Joe Engelke

Tony Lobay

Tom Schelesny

Russell Darling

Blaise Panfalone

David Behrens

Allan Gersten

Nathan Abbot

Steve Moros

Matt Jacobs

M Stevens

Andrew Gardner

Ryan Todd

There are a few stragglers who haven't taken their photos yet this week. I'll replace the Freshface with their legit picture when it gets taken care of.

Congratulations on another fine week of thatch.