Tuesday, January 22, 2008

To The Victors Go The Stacks Of Loot

We've counted up the Chicken Fees and yours truly is sitting on a large stack of cash money, son.  $300 +.  Not sure how we're going to divide it up, but we're thinking half for Best In Show and the other half being divided up to the winners from each category.  Who knows, though!  The Electoral College hasn't figured anything out yet.  We'll let you know when it's all official, though.  Regardless of how it all works out, that's a lot of dough!  The last time we did this, we had a grand total of around $50 or something.  This year, Blair Clark and Page Frakes combined for $65 between just the two of them.

Whoa.  Can I get a bodyguard, please?

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