Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Editorial Comment

From Chester A. Arthur candidate Brian Smith:

Now I'm not a member of the Mantastic committee but I am a Chester A. Asskicker, so just to refresh your memory, the Chester A. Arthur is described as follows:

...a moustache that keeps on going, all the way to them ears. The thing to keep in mind here is that the line must hug the uppermost reaches of your growable hair. No dipping down to the jawline! Keep that thing up high!

Did you catch that last part? "No dipping down to the jawline! Keep that thing up high!" And with two exclamation points so you know it must be important. And yet when I walk the halls and browse the check-in photos, I see a number or wanna-be Chester A. Arthurs that aren't being the man they're supposed to be; that are failing to live up to the example of our 21st and Greatest President. For shame, for shame. And I'm not the only one who has noticed, says former Mantastic Lemmy wearer David "Muffintop" Gibson:

"I have a bone to pick with the Chester's. I only see a few true Chesters and as a former Lemmy I feel that not shaving into the appropriate style is the same as letting it grow and shaving the last day. This is Mantastic 2008 - you can't "play it safe" until you see how it grows in! Grow a pair!"

Sounds like a pretty big statement for a guy named after a breakfast pastry, but there you go. Those of you not sticking to the High and Tight guidelines have been called out. Will you in fact "grow a pair"?



Anonymous said...

it looks like steve reding and jance rubinchik are a bit confused as to which styles they are growing as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh shit its on!!!! Im not sure who this "anonymous" is...but lets be Mantastic about this and call me out to my face. But maybe you are another Taft grower who feels a little insecure about their tiny, scraggly, lame ass excuse for a moustache, dwarfed by the awesomeness that is Steve and I's ture Taft!!!! BooYah Bitch!!!

Anonymous said...

Now we all know that I don't have a rat's ass chance in hell of winning this thing. So I feel that I'm a bit impartial as to this whole argument of what is or is not Chester A Arthur styled man hair. I have a few comments.

I must point out that the very rules contain a serious contradiction in them by stating "the line must hug the uppermost reaches of your growable hair. No dipping down to the jawline!"

What if your jawline is the uppermost reaches of your growable hair? Are the brave soles who willingly take on the Chester be instantly disqualified? These rules were obviously written by the hair blessed with no consideration for those less fortunate then themselves.

Besides, check out the photo of THE CHESTER A ARTHER here...

A typical photo that shows his growth clearly descending to the jawline. Who's more fucking Chester A Arthur than CHESTER A. "MOTHER FUCKING" ARTHUR?

All of this squabbling is a moot point anyhow since the winners are decided by voting. I see this argument that arose half way through the contest as nothing more than underhanded campaigning trying to discredit anyone who stayed true to the original style of Chester A. Arthur. And shame on the mantastic blog for officially putting up one side of the argument without representing the other equally. What is this blog turning into? The fox news of hair growth?

In the end, the court of public opinion decide. I have faith in my peoples to judge fairly and without bias.

Anonymous said...

brian = douchebag